Le@gal'eyes' Focus "The Unique Global Contribution"

Monday 26th July 2021
Actualites Notes techniques
3 years ago
3922 lecture(s)
Les Fiches de Le@gal'EYES "La Contribution Globale Unique"
What should I know about the Unique Global Contribution? This is a synthetic tax which combines in a single tax the bulk of the contributions due for the financial year

Le@gal'Eyes's Focus on

What should I know about the Unique Global Contribution?

  1. What is this about?

This is a synthetic tax which combines in a single tax the bulk of the contributions due for the financial year and is representative of the following taxes:

  • Income tax based on industrial and commercial profits;
  • Tax of the minimum tax;
  • Patent contribution (replaced by CEL: Law 2018-10 of 30 March 2018)
  • Value Added Tax;
  • Flat-rate contribution to be borne by employers;
  • Tax on the licence of drinking establishments

However, the taxpayer subject to the UGC remains liable for the withholding taxes provided for in Chapter 4 of the General Tax Code. These are essentially:

  • Withholding tax on salaries, wages, pensions and annuities paid at source
  • Withholding tax on amounts paid to third parties
  • Withholding tax on fees
  • Withholding tax on income from securities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

        2. Who is involved in this type of contribution ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

The UGC applies only to natural persons carrying out goods or services delivery operations, whose annual turnover, including all taxes, does not exceed fifty (50) million CFA francs.

Therefore, legal persons (company and EIG) are not concerned by the UGC.

Also some natural persons are excluded from the GCU. These are:

  • natural persons whose activity falls within the category of non-commercial profits (notary, lawyer, doctor, architect, artist, public accountant, ...);
  • natural persons carrying out sales, leasing or property management operations;
  • natural persons with an annual turnover exceeding FCFA 50,000,000 for persons carrying out goods delivery operations, or FCFA 25,000,000 for persons carrying out services operations;
  • natural persons who may be subject to the UGC but who voluntarily opt for the real regime.  In this case, the option must be made on or before January 31 of the taxation year and this option is total and irrevocable.

        3. How is the plate determinated ?

The basis of assessment shall be the turnover determined after assessment by the tax authorities in accordance with the information given on the declaration and the information provided.

The turnover proposed by the staff member responsible for the assessment shall be notified to the taxpayer.

The taxpayer shall then have a period of twenty (20) days from the date of notification to make his observations or acceptance. Failure to reply within the time limit shall be considered as acceptance.

        4. How is the amount of the UGC calculated ?

For service providers, the amount of the Single Global Contribution is determined according to a scale of progressivity per tranche.

This schedule is as follows:

             Annual turnover bands in CFA francs

          Rate per unit (%)

              From 0        to        500.000


       From 500,001    to       3,000,000


    From 3,000,001    to      10,000,000


  From 10,000,001    to       37,000,000


  From 37.000.001    to      50.000.000



For traders and producers

  1. For cement and food retailers

          Annual turnover bands in CFA francs

                        Rate per unit (%)

           From 0         to      10.000.000


From 10,000,001    to       37,000,000


From 37.000.001    to          50.000.000


  1. For other categories of producers and resellers

Annual turnover bands in CFA francs

                        Rate per unit (%)

            From 0          to           10.000.000


     From 10,000,001 to            37,000,000


    From 37.000.001  to             50.000.000



NB: The amount of tax payable by the taxpayer is the sum of the amounts resulting from the multiplication of the share of turnover contained in each of the tranches of the scale of its category by the rate corresponding to this tranche.

In no case may the amount to be paid be less than XOF 30,000 for natural persons providing benefits and XOF 25,000 for natural persons trading.

        5. How is the Unique Global Contribution established?

The UGC is established each year taking into account the total turnover from 1 January to 31 December of the previous year (Art.143 CGI).

For example: the UGC for the year 2020 is based on sales from 1 January to 31 December 2019.

It is drawn up by means of a roll and gives rise each year to the payment of instalments to be deducted from the tax due in respect of the year.

Summary table of the payment of the advance payments of the UGC

Down payments



1st deposit

In the first 15 days of March

1/3 of the UGC due

2nd deposit

In the first 15 days of May

1/3 of the UGC due

3rd installment

In the first 15 days of August

1/3 of the UGC due


NB: The natural person whose amount of the GCU does not exceed 100,000 CFA francs must spontaneously pay the tax to which he is liable (before 1 May of each year for the current year)

        6. What are the obligations of the person subject to the UGC?

              6 – 1 Declaration to be used in determining the UGC ?

Before 1 March each year, the taxpayer must file a return with the tax office responsible for the place where the company’s head office or principal place of business is situated.

This statement states, among other things:

  • the amount of its purchases from the previous year;
  • the total cost value of its stocks on 1 January and 31 December of that year;
  • the amount of its sales or turnover from 1 January to 31 December of that year;
  • the amount of its professional and private rents;
  • the number and power of its commercial or passenger automobiles;
  • the area of its agricultural holdings in relation to and the material means employed.

              6 – 2 Accounting obligations specific to the taxable person of the UGC

  • ​​​​​​To maintain and represent at any requisition an agent having at least the rank of tax controller, a register summarised by year, presenting the details of its purchases supported by supporting invoices;
  • Keep and communicate to the tax authorities a daily newspaper book, which is served on a day-to-day basis and represents the details of its professional revenues.

         7. Penalties incurred

Any taxpayer subject to the UGC who does not provide his declaration within the prescribed time will be automatically taxed (Art.148 UGC).

NB: Where the amount of the tax has been fixed on the basis of inaccurate information, or where an inaccuracy is noted in the documents the keeping or presentation of which is required by law, the determination of the tax actually due shall be made in accordance with the adversarial procedure (Art.149 CGI).

La rédaction
Publié par:
Omar Lamine SANE

Focus on a concept

Civil law: status of two or more persons living together; Constitutional law: expression used to materialize the functioning of the Fifth Republic with a presidential majority and an opposing parliamentary majority.

Legal Vocabulary

Aucun lexique disponible !
  • Free zone
  • Exclusive economic zone
  • Duty
  • Private law
  • Delegation
  • De lege ferenda
  • Command
  • Collocation
  • Cohabitation
  • Cofidejusseurs
  • Penal clause
  • Leonine convention
  • Exorbitant common law clause
  • Retention of title clause
  • Non-competition clause
  • Cheque
  • Head of state
  • Charter
  • Charges/Loads
  • Blackmail
  • Exchange/Change
  • Chancellor
  • Assignment of letters
  • Transfer of successive rights
  • Assignment of the claim
  • Leasehold
  • Transfer
  • Transferability
  • Cessation of payments
  • Cessante ratione legis, cessat ejus dispositio
  • Caesarism
  • Certification according
  • Life certificate
  • Nationality certificate
  • Custom certificate
  • Certificate of urbanism
  • Addition certificate
  • Certain
  • Centralization
  • Censure
  • Election bail
  • Surety
  • Cause
  • Causality
  • Cassation
  • Criminal record
  • Fortuitous event
  • National identity card
  • Work card
  • Residence card
  • Lack
  • Capitalization
  • Social capital
  • Capital
  • Ability or capacity to Sue
  • Ability or capacity
  • Canton
  • Application
  • Deletion
  • Electoral campaign
  • Negotiable instrument
  • Specifications
  • Lapse
  • Cadastre
  • Ministerial cabinet
  • Invalid ballots
  • Blank ballots
  • Ballot
  • Pay stub
  • Newsletter
  • Budget
  • Patent
  • Stock exchange
  • Demarcation
  • Good offices
  • Treasury bill
  • Office vouchers
  • Good morals
  • Good faith
  • Liquidation surplus
  • Delegation Voucher
  • Cash vouchers
  • Blockade
  • Control block
  • Constitutional corpus
  • Block of jurisdiction
  • Blank Signature
  • Blame
  • Bipolarization
  • Bipartism
  • Fund notes
  • Banknote
  • Bearer order
  • Promissory note
  • Social report
  • Balance sheet
  • Bigamy
  • Own property
  • Present and Future Property
  • Exempt property
  • Endowed assets
  • Family property
  • Tangible property
  • Commun property
  • Appropriateness
  • Intangible property
  • Property
  • Bicameralism
  • Benefits
  • Division profit
  • Discussion benefit
  • Inventory profit
  • Benefit of emolument
  • Barrister
  • Bar
  • Bans
  • Bankruptcy
  • Banishment
  • Off waivers
  • Balance of payments
  • Lessor/Donor
  • Commercial lease
  • Food lease
  • Long-term lease
  • Farming lease
  • Commercial Property Lease
  • Building lease
  • Cash lease
  • Livestock lease
  • Lease
  • Universal successor
  • Successor by particular title
  • Successor in title
  • Solicitor
  • Abortion
  • Asset/Holding
  • Advocate General
  • Lawyer
  • Recovery notice
  • Tax notice
  • Advisory opinion
  • Notice to Third Party Holder
  • Notice
  • Confession
  • Amendment
  • Gains made
  • Matrimonial advantage
  • Fringe benefit
  • Pre-contract
  • Advancement
  • Advance
  • Approval/Endorsement
  • Court official
  • Independent administrative authorities
  • Parental authority
  • Judicial authority
  • Authorization
  • Autonomy of the will
  • Self-financing
  • Autocracy
  • Self-defense
  • Authentication
  • Author/Offender
  • Hearing of third parties
  • Hearing witnesses
  • Hearing of the parties
  • Court auditor
  • Auditor in the Council of State
  • Auditor at the Court of Auditors
  • Auditor at the court of cassation
  • Audit
  • Hearing
  • Preferential allocation
  • Contractor
  • Certification
  • Siltation
  • Indecent assault
  • Whereas
  • Privacy breaches
  • Attempt against state security
  • Procrastination
  • Periodic penalty payment
  • Insured person
  • Volontary insurance
  • Old-age insurance
  • Widowhood insurance
  • Personal insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • Death insurance
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Insurance
  • Operating partner
  • Partner
  • Trade unions
  • Intermediate association
  • Lawyer association
  • Association
  • Educational assistance
  • Assistance of litigants
  • Assistance/Support
  • Assize
  • House arrest
  • Assignment
  • Contribution base
  • Tax base
  • Plenary assembly
  • National Assembly
  • General assembly
  • Constituent assembly
  • Murder
  • Diplomatic asylum
  • Ascendant
  • Artisan
  • Arrondissement
  • Deposit
  • Conflict order
  • Statement of account
  • Order
  • Settlement order
  • Judgment
  • Arrest
  • Arrears
  • Armistice
  • Weapons
  • Shipowner
  • Aristocracy
  • Argument
  • Arbitrator
  • International arbitration
  • Arbitration
  • Clearance
  • Approval
  • Learning
  • Legality assessment
  • Corporate contributions
  • Partial transfer of assets
  • Contribution
  • Designation of origin
  • Called
  • Appellant
  • Call triggered by the main call
  • Main appeal
  • Cross-appeal
  • Reading of the roll of cases
  • Call to tenders
  • Call to minima
  • Appeal
  • Relatedness
  • Appearance
  • Leading insurer
  • Stateless
  • Backdating
  • Antichresis
  • Anteriority
  • Cancellation
  • Annuity
  • Judicial and legal announcement
  • Annexation
  • Annex
  • Animus
  • Angary
  • Anatocism
  • Ampliation
  • Amortization
  • Public debt amortization
  • Farm-out
  • Amnesty
  • Amendment
  • Fine
  • Ambassador
  • Alternation
  • Allocation
  • Beneficiary
  • Alliance
  • Allegation/Claim
  • Food
  • Alignment
  • Mental alienation
  • Alienation
  • Alienability
  • Alibi/Pretext
  • Roadways
  • Social assistance
  • Personalized housing assistance
  • Legal assistance
  • Aggression
  • Accreditation
  • Public officer
  • Diplomatic agent
  • Business agent
  • Assertion
  • Social security affiliation
  • Affidavit
  • Lease
  • Affectio societatis
  • Assignment
  • Current affairs
  • Case ready for hearing
  • Factoring
  • Adultery
  • Simple adoption
  • Full adoption
  • Adoption
  • Adopted
  • Adopter
  • Admonition
  • Admission
  • Admissibility
  • Administration
  • Authorising officer-administrator
  • Legal administrator
  • Judicial administrator
  • Judicial administrator
  • Delegated administrator
  • Administrator
  • Adminicula
  • Award
  • Adhuc sub judice lis est
  • Adhesion
  • Ad validitatem
  • Ad solemnitatem
  • Ad probationem
  • Ad nutum
  • Ad litem
  • Ad hoc
  • Ad agendum
  • Actori incumbit probatio
  • Actor sequitur forum rei
  • Employee share ownership
  • Health and social measures
  • Real action
  • Redhibitory action
  • Recourse action
  • Possessory action
  • Petitory action
  • Personal action
  • Revocatory action
  • Derivative action
  • Actio negatoria
  • Movable share
  • Mixed action
  • Real estate action
  • Estimatory action
  • Legal action
  • Direct action
  • Declaratory action
  • Preference share
  • Dividend-right share
  • Jactance action
  • In rem verso action
  • Civil action
  • Action ad exhibendum
  • Action for the purpose of subsidies
  • Model Act
  • Single European Act
  • Unilateral act
  • Translative act
  • Private Deed
  • Solemn act
  • Recognitive act
  • Joint Act
  • Legal act
  • Individual act
  • Fictitious act
  • Extrajudicial act
  • Act between living
  • Detachable act
  • Disguised act
  • Declatory act
  • Procedural act
  • Prosecution
  • Affidavit
  • Civil status act
  • Governmental act
  • Disposal
  • Commercial act
  • Investigative action
  • Constituent instrument
  • Conservatory act
  • Consensual act
  • Authentic act
  • Administrative act
  • Onerous act
  • Act free of charge
  • Act
  • Acquittal
  • Acquired
  • Acquiescence
  • Acquests
  • Deposit
  • Goodwill
  • Accused or Defendant
  • Letter of credit
  • Accredit
  • Regional agreement
  • Agreement in simplified form
  • Derogatory agreement
  • Headquarters agreement
  • Collective agreement
  • Agreement
  • Accipiens
  • Accident at work
  • Accessorium sequitur principale
  • Accession
  • Access to administrative documents
  • Acceptance of succession under inventory benefit
  • Acceptance
  • Academy
  • Abusus non tollit usum
  • Abusus
  • Abuse of right
  • Abuse of dominance
  • Abuse or Breach of trust
  • Abuse of white-seing
  • Abuse of social property
  • Abuse of authority
  • Electoral abstention
  • Abstention or Forbearance
  • Absenteeism
  • Missing
  • Abrogation
  • Family abandonement
  • Abandonment
  • Ab irato
  • Ab intestat
  • A non domino


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